Welcome to the
Lewisham Islamic Institute
Online Madrassah Starting in January!
4 Days a week programme available
Apply by registering your interest at info@lii.org.uk Note: Successful admissions will be subject to an assessment and interview.
Learning Begins
With Us
We are an educational institution which is committed to providing an academically rigorous education to students who will walk out of school ready for lives challenges and Inshallah ready to service to their community. Our curriculum consists of teaching the Quran, Hadith, Fiqh, Aqeedah, Tajweed, Seerah, Hifdh, Manners, and modern challenges that Muslims in the West encounter every day. Moreover, our programmes also enhance skills in literacy, numeracy, public speaking and financial management which are segments often overlooked in madaaris today. Each day at the Lewisham Islamic Institute is filled with activities that are both enriching and fun and can’t be missed by any child growing up in inner London.